Monday, March 21, 2011

To understand something of the popularity of people like John Hagee, you have to understand how to work a big audience for big money.

He preaches the Word, and people love him, support him and his family, and give generously.  He has a national following, and a mega-church replete with broadcast company tie-ins and promotional merchandise.
Rather a lot on his plate.

Such are the preachers of Mammon, even unto their real estate holdings and missions.

And they shall spread their gospel of prosperity and profit throughout the world, with the generous love donations and goodwill offering of those he's enlightened.

Because there is much to fear - and his preaching shall set them free.
If it doesn't kill some of them first.

Hagee cites "the Bible says" and his own views to exploit fear and condemnation of "the homosexuals."  Queers aren't his cup of tea: to him, we're an abomination - and have abominably CHOSEN our sexual partners from sheer Satanic carnality.

The word "love" never enters the equation.  Except with "love the sinner, hate the sin."

He doesn't GET the queer notion that "hating the sin" makes the sinner feeling "loved" almost impossible.  Nor does he care that queer youth bullied by their Christian peers have killed themselves; unless to regret that they've gone to Hell for suicide when they could have been saved to the glory of God by making another choice of lifestyle and turning themselves over to Jesus.
Well, they killed themselves, and they're with Jesus now.

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